Excel|2007|2003|Microsoft Excel|Formula|Function|Pivto Table|Excel Topics|Passwords|Hyperlink Excel Guru: September 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Link data to a combo box and update underlying data in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Question: In Excel 2003/XP/2000/97, I want to be able to use a combo box (on another sheet) to display data from Sheet1 and then be able to edit that data and save the changes back to Sheet1. How can I do this?

Answer: This can be done with macro code.

Let's take a look at an example.

In our spreadsheet, our data is on Sheet1.

On Sheet2, we have our combo box which is linked to the data on Sheet1. When the user selects a customer in the combo box, the address and phone number will be automatically populated. The population of this data is done by a macro called PopulateData (which is the macro assigned to the combo box).

A user can then update the data on this sheet. In our example, we've changed Betty's address from 454 11th to 78 Granite St.

Next, we click on the Save Changes button. This calls a macro called SaveChanges.

The macro will update the corresponding data on Sheet1 and display the message above when it has completed.

Now if we go to Sheet1, we can see that the address for Betty has been updated.

You can press Alt-F11 to view the VBA code. Select the module called Module1 in the left window.

Macro Code

The macro code looks like this:

The macro code for the Save Changes button:

Sub SaveChanges()

'Update data on Sheet1 based on changes made to data on Sheet2

Dim LProject As Integer

Dim LAddress As String
Dim LPhoneNbr As String

Dim LRow As Long
Dim LFound As Boolean

'Retrieve project number number
LProject = Range("H3").Value

'Retrieve new address and phone number information
LAddress = Range("E5").Value
LPhoneNbr = Range("H8").Value

'Move to Sheet1 to save the changes

LFound = False

LRow = 2

Do While LFound = False

'Found matching project, now update address and phone number information

If Range("A" & LRow).Value = LProject Then
LFound = True
Range("C" & LRow).Value = LAddress
Range("D" & LRow).Value = LPhoneNbr

'Encountered a blank project number (assuming end of list on Sheet1)
ElseIf IsEmpty(Range("A" & LRow).Value) = True Then

MsgBox ("No match was found. Changes were not made.")
Exit Sub
End If

LRow = LRow + 1

'Reposition back on Sheet2

MsgBox ("Changes were successfully saved.")

End Sub

The macro code for the customer combo box:

Sub PopulateData()

Dim LProject As Integer

Dim LAddress As String

Dim LPhoneNbr As String

Dim LRow As Long

Dim LFound As Boolean

'Retrieve project number number

LProject = Range("H3").Value

'Move to Sheet1

LFound = False

LRow = 2

Do While LFound = False
'Found matching project, now update address and phone number information on Sheet2

If Range("A" & LRow).Value = LProject Then

LFound = True

LAddress = Range("C" & LRow).Value

LPhoneNbr = Range("D" & LRow).Value

Range("E5").Value = LAddress
Range("H8").Value = LPhoneNbr

'Encountered a blank project number (assuming end of list on Sheet1)

ElseIf IsEmpty(Range("A" & LRow).Value) = True Then

MsgBox ("No match was found for combo box selection.")

Exit Sub

End If

LRow = LRow + 1

End Sub

Update a cell when a checkbox is clicked (Control Toolbox toolbar) in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Question:  In Excel 2003/XP/2000/97, is there a way to link a check box to another cell? For example, I've made a checkbox and whenever the checkbox is clicked, I would like the current date to automatically appear in another cell. Is this possible?

Also I would like the date to not change whenever the worksheet is opened. For example, if a cell has been set to July 16th and the worksheet is opened on July 17th, I still want the cell to read as July 16th.

Answer:  Because you don't want the cell value changing whenever the spreadsheet "recalculates", we'll have to create a macro to determine when to update the cell value.

Let's take a look at an example.

In our spreadsheet, there are two columns - column A contains a checkbox and column B contains the "linked" cell.

We've created various checkboxes in column A using the Control Toolbox toolbar. To view the Control Toolbox toolbar, select Toolbars > Control Toolbox under the View menu.

When the checkbox in column A is "checked", the associated cell in column B will be updated with the current system date. When the checkbox is "unchecked", the associated cell value will be cleared.

This is accomplished with a macro called Process_Checkbox. You can view the macro by pressing Alt-F11.

The macro determines what row the checkbox resides in and then "sets the value" of the associated cell in column B.

Macro Code:

The macro code looks like this:

Sub Process_CheckBox(pObject)

    Dim LRow As Integer

    Dim LRange As String

    'Find row that checkbox resides in

    LRow = pObject.TopLeftCell.Row

    LRange = "B" & CStr(LRow)

    'Change date in column B, if checkbox is checked

    If pObject.Value = True Then

        ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Date

    'Clear date in column B, if checkbox is unchecked


        ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Null

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()

    Process_CheckBox CheckBox1

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBox2_Click()

    Process_CheckBox CheckBox2

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBox3_Click()

    Process_CheckBox CheckBox3

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBox4_Click()

    Process_CheckBox CheckBox4

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBox5_Click()

    Process_CheckBox CheckBox5

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBox6_Click()

    Process_CheckBox CheckBox6

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBox7_Click()

    Process_CheckBox CheckBox7

End Sub

Update a cell when a checkbox is clicked (Forms toolbar) in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Question:  In Excel 2003/XP/2000/97, is there a way to link a check box to another cell? For example, I've made a checkbox and whenever the checkbox is clicked, I would like the current date to automatically appear in another cell. Is this possible?

Also I would like the date to not change whenever the worksheet is opened. For example, if a cell has been set to July 16th and the worksheet is opened on July 17th, I still want the cell to read as July 16th.

Answer:  Because you don't want the cell value changing whenever the spreadsheet "recalculates", we'll have to create a macro to determine when to update the cell value.

Let's take a look at an example.

In our spreadsheet, there are two columns - column A contains a checkbox and column B contains the "linked" cell.

We've created various checkboxes in column A using the Forms toolbar. To view the Forms toolbar, select Toolbars > Forms under the View menu.

When the checkbox in column A is "checked", the associated cell in column B will be updated with the current system date. When the checkbox is "unchecked", the associated cell value will be cleared.

This is accomplished with a macro called Process_Checkbox. You can view the macro by pressing Alt-F11.

The macro determines what row the checkbox resides in and then "sets the value" of the associated cell in column B.

Macro Code:

The macro code looks like this:

Sub Process_CheckBox()

    Dim cBox As CheckBox

    Dim LRow As Integer

    Dim LRange As String

    LName = Application.Caller

    Set cBox = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(LName)

    'Find row that checkbox resides in

    LRow = cBox.TopLeftCell.Row

    LRange = "B" & CStr(LRow)

    'Change date in column B, if checkbox is checked

    If cBox.Value > 0 Then

        ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Date

    'Clear date in column B, if checkbox is unchecked


        ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Null

    End If

End Sub

Update cell based on hyperlink selected

Question: I have created a hyperlink from one worksheet to another within the same file. But when the linked worksheet is pulled up, I want to populate the designated field with some text. The text will change depending on the hyperlink selected, but all the links will connect to the same worksheet and the same field. The field I am wanting to populate controls numerous lookup functions.

HELP!! Can this be done?

Answer: Yes, this can be done by utilizing macros on two Excel workbook "events".

Let's take a look at an example.

In our spreadsheet, there are two sheets called Hyperlinks and Destination. The Hyperlinks sheet contains three hyperlinks in cell A3, A6, and A9. All three hyperlinks point to cell B2 in the Destination sheet

When a hyperlink is clicked, the Destination sheet is activated and cell B2 will display text showing which hyperlink was selected. In our example below, we've selected "Hyperlink #1" in cell A3.

You can view the macros by pressing Alt-F11 and double-clicking on the ThisWorkbook object in the left window.

There are three components to this solution:

  1. There is a global variable called GSourceCell which contains the cell reference when the hyperlink was selected.

  2. There is a workbook event called "SheetSelectionChanged". When this event fires, the GSourceCell variable will be populated

  3. There is a workbook event called "SheetFollowHyperlink". When this event fires, cell B2 in the Destination sheet will be populated with text.

Macro Code:

The macro code looks like this:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetFollowHyperlink(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Hyperlink)

'Update cell B2 in Destination sheet based on the origin of hyperlink
If Sh.Name = "Hyperlinks" Then
If GSourceCell = "A3" Then
Sheets("Destination").Range("B2").Value = "Hyperlinked from cell A3"
ElseIf GSourceCell = "A6" Then
Sheets("Destination").Range("B2").Value = "Hyperlinked from cell A6"
ElseIf GSourceCell = "A9" Then
Sheets("Destination").Range("B2").Value = "Hyperlinked from cell A9"
Sheets("Destination").Range("B2").Value = ""
End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

If Sh.Name = "Hyperlinks" Then
'Capture last active cell on Hyperlinks worksheet and store in global variable
GSourceCell = Target.Address(False, False)
End If

End Sub

Delete all hyperlinks on a sheet in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Question: I've had a hyperlink problem in my Excel files for ages: false hyperlinks had crept in (even in empty cells) and were multiplying regularly whenever I inserted new lines. How can I delete all hyperlinks in a sheet at once and not have to delete them cell by cell?

Answer: You will need to create a macro to delete the hyperlink addresses in your Excel sheet.

Open your Excel spreadsheet that you wish to remove the hyperlinks from. Press -F11 to go to the Visual Basic editor. Create a new module. You can do this by selecting Module under the Insert menu.

Paste the following code into your new module:

Sub RemoveHyperlinks()

'Remove all hyperlinks from the active sheet

End Sub

Close the Visual Basic editor window by selecting "Close and Return to Microsoft Excel" under the File menu.

Now, go to the sheet that contains the hyperlinks that you wish to delete. Here is an example of a sheet with multiple hyperlink addresses:

Under the Tools menu, select Macro > Macros. Highlight the macro called "RemoveHyperlinks" and click on the Run button.

Now your hyperlinks should be deleted as you can see by the example below:

If you need to remove hyperlinks from other sheets, just repeat the steps above.

Filter final series of numbers in hyperlink address in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Question: I've downloaded a table from the web with hyperlink references into Excel 2003/XP/2000/97. I need to filter out the final series of numbers for each hyperlink address and put them as a number in a column. How can I do this?

Answer: Below is a function that you can include in your spreadsheet to filter the final series of numbers in a hyperlink address in Excel.

Function FinalNumberSeries(pCell) As Long

Dim LChar As String
Dim LLength As Integer
Dim LStart As Integer
Dim LExit As Boolean

LLength = Len(pCell)
LStart = LLength
LExit = False

'Search backwards through the string until a non-numeric
'character is found
Do Until LExit = True
LChar = Mid(pCell, LStart, 1)

If IsNumeric(LChar) = False Then
LExit = True
ElseIf LStart = 1 Then
LExit = True
End If

LStart = LStart - 1

FinalNumberSeries = Mid(pCell, LStart + 2)

End Function

Then you can reference this new function in your spreadsheet.

For example in cell B1, you could enter the following:


Excel: Extract hyperlink address (files and web addresses) in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Question: In Excel 2003/XP/2000/97, I have a spreadsheet that contains hyperlink addresses to files. I tried extracting the hyperlink address for these files, however I'm not getting the complete Address. The complete Address should be:

C:\My Documents\Past Projects\Centennial\Program Status Report.xls

But I only get:

\..\..\Past Projects\Centennial\Program Status Report.xls

Is there a way to always get the complete hyperlink address?

Answer: Below are two functions that you can include in your spreadsheet to extract the complete hyperlink address for either a file of a web address.

Function HyperLinkText(pRange As Range) As String

Dim ST1 As String
Dim ST2 As String
Dim LPath As String
Dim ST1Local As String
If pRange.Hyperlinks.Count = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If

LPath = ThisWorkbook.FullName
ST1 = pRange.Hyperlinks(1).Address
ST2 = pRange.Hyperlinks(1).SubAddress

If Mid(ST1, 1, 15) = "..\..\..\..\..\" Then
ST1Local = ReturnPath(LPath, 5) & Mid(ST1, 15)
ElseIf Mid(ST1, 1, 12) = "..\..\..\..\" Then
ST1Local = ReturnPath(LPath, 4) & Mid(ST1, 12)
ElseIf Mid(ST1, 1, 9) = "..\..\..\" Then
ST1Local = ReturnPath(LPath, 3) & Mid(ST1, 9)
ElseIf Mid(ST1, 1, 6) = "..\..\" Then
ST1Local = ReturnPath(LPath, 2) & Mid(ST1, 6)
ElseIf Mid(ST1, 1, 3) = "..\" Then
ST1Local = ReturnPath(LPath, 1) & Mid(ST1, 3)
ST1Local = ST1
End If

If ST2 <> "" Then
ST1Local = "[" & ST1Local & "]" & ST2
End If

HyperLinkText = ST1Local

End Function

Function ReturnPath(pAppPath As String, pCount As Integer) As String

Dim LPos As Integer
Dim LTotal As Integer
Dim LLength As Integer

LTotal = 0
LLength = Len(pAppPath)

Do Until LTotal = pCount + 1
If Mid(pAppPath, LLength, 1) = "\" Then
LTotal = LTotal + 1
End If
LLength = LLength - 1

ReturnPath = Mid(pAppPath, 1, LLength)

End Function

Then you can reference these new functions in your spreadsheet.

For example in cell B1, you could enter the following:


Monday, September 28, 2009

Extract Hyperlink address (Web addresses only) in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97

Question : I've downloaded a table from the web with hyperlink references into Excel 2003/XP/2000/97. What I need to do is examine the hypertext link and extract a small part of that link. All I seem to get is the details of the link in a pop up box (yellow) and any attempt to filter out detail only results in the display of the destination ?

Is there a way I can examine a hyperlink details without invoking the hyperlink?

Answer: Below is a function that you can include in your spreadsheet to extract the hyperlink address from a cell in Excel.

Function HyperLinkText(pRange As Range) As String

Dim ST1 As String
Dim ST2 As String

If pRange.Hyperlinks.Count = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If

ST1 = pRange.Hyperlinks(1).Address
ST2 = pRange.Hyperlinks(1).SubAddress

If ST2 <> "" Then
ST1 = "[" & ST1 & "]" & ST2
End If

HyperLinkText = ST1

End Function

Then you can reference this new function in your spreadsheet.
For example in cell B1, you could enter the following:


Excel Topics: Macros

Extract hyperlink address (Web addresses only) in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97

Extract hyperlink address (Files & Web addresses only) in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97

Filter Final Series of numbers in hyperlink address in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Delete all hyperlinks on a sheet in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97

Update cell based on hyperlink selected in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97

Checkboxes :
Update a cell when a checkbox is clicked (Forms toolbar) in Excel 2003/Xp/200/97

Update a cell when a checkbox is clicked (Control ToolBox Toolbar) in Excel 2003/ Xp / 2000/97

Combo boxes:
Link data to combo box and update underlying data in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97

Test for Duplicates :
Test for Duplicates in a column in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97
Test for Duplicates on partial cell contents in a Column in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97
Test for Duplicates in Two Columns, combined in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97
Test for Duplicates in eight columns, combined (and delete duplicates) in Excel 2003/Xp/97
Test for Duplicates in Eight Columns, combined (And delete duplicates and originals that we duplicated ) in Excel 2003/Xp/ 2000/97
Test for duplicates in Eight columns, Combined ( & Clear the values in the 8 Columens when a duplicate is found) in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Create a column that must contain unique values in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Test & Copy Data :
Test each value in column A untill a diffrent value is found in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97
Test each value in column A & copy matching values into new sheets in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97
Test each value in column A & copy matching values into new workbooks in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97.
Test each value in column A & copy matching values into new workbooks (name workbooks the value found in column A ) in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97
Copy the value in Column B the number of times indicated by the value in Column A in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97
Copy range of cells form one sheet to another sheet matching on date values in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97
Search for a value in a column and copy row to new sheet for all matching values in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97
Enter a value in an InputBox and then search for this value in a column and copy row to new sheet for all matching values in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97
Copy date to various sheets based on the value in column A in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Update Formulas :
Update all formulas to reference data in a particular column in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97
Update all formulas to refrence data in a particular row in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97

Integration with Access :
Open an Access Form form Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97

Custom Math Functions :
Creating a Custom round function in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97
Creating a custom average function (that excludes outlyers form the calculation) in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97

Check if Files Exist :
Check to see if a file exist based on a value in Column A in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97
Check to see if files exist based on values form 2 Columns in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97

Miscellaneous in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97 :
Test Range of Cells for Formulas (or missing Formulas)
Automatically refresh Pivot Table when data in a sheet changes
Automatically refresh Pivot Table when user Switches between sheets
Link one cell to another cell (Control the recalculation)
Change the Background colour of a row based on a cell value
Change the Background colour of a cell when another cell is selected
Macro to warm when a recorrd will expire within 31 Days
Convert currency into words
Overwrite column B value when column A value is higher
Function to Calculate total cost based on a tiered fee structure
Autonumber a cell each time the Spreadsheet is opened
Convert an entire spreadsheet to proper case
Convert an entire spreadsheet to Uppercase
Convert custom function to exceed 7 nested If functions
Create a control screen to maintain data on another sheet
Counting matched pairs
Perform a lookup where the refrences value is stored somewhere in a string
Cleanup an export of raw data
Re-arrange data in an export of raw data
Create in a File Save as macro
Test a string for an alphanumeric value
Automatically open a Form when spreadsheet is opened
Count the number of cells with a particular font color

Excel: Draw a line through a value in a cell (strikethrough) in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Also Learn how to Draw a strikethrough in Excel 2007.
Question : How Do I Draw a line through a value in a cell in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97 ?
Answer : Select the Text that you wish to stikethrough. This can either be the entire cell or only a character in the cell. While your mouse is over the selected text, Right- Click and then select "Format Cells" From the popup menu.

When the Format Cells window appears, select the Font Tab. check the Strikethrough Checkbox. Click on the Ok Button.

Now When you retrun to your spreadsheet, you should see a strike throuhg your selected text.

Excel : Draw a line through a value in a cell (Strike through) in Excel 2007

Also Learn How to Draw a strickthrough in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97
Question : How do I draw a line through a value in a cell in Excel 2007 ?
Answer : Select the Text that you wish to Strikethrough. This can either be the Entire cell or only a character in the cell. While your mouse is over the selected text, Right - Click and then select " Fromat Cells " From the popup menu.

When the Format cells window appears, select the Font Tab. Check the Strikethought checkbox. Click on the OK Button.

Now when you return to you Spreadsheet, you will see a strike through your selected text.

Excel : Create a subscript value in a cell in Excel 2003/XP2000/97

Also Learn how to create a subsctipt value in a cell in Excel 2007.
Question : How do I Create a subscript value in a cell in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97 ?
Answer : Select text that you wish to convert to subscript. This can either be the entire cell or only a character in the cell.

While your mouse is over the Selected text, Right - Click and then select "Format Cells" From the popup menu.
When the Format Cells window appears, select the Font Tab. check the Subscript checkbox.

Now when you return to the spreadsheet, you should see the subscript value.

Excel: Create a Subscript Value in a cell in Excel 2007

Also Learn How to Create a Subscript value in a cell in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97
Question : How Do I Create a Subscript value in a cell in Excel 2007 ?
Answer : Select the Text that you wish to convert to subscript. This can either be the entire cell or only a character in the cell.

While your mouse is over the selected text, Right-Click and then select " Format Cells" From the popup menu.
When the Format Cells Window appears, select the Font Tab. Check the Subscript checkbox.

Now when you return to the spreadsheet, you should see the subscript value.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Excel: Create a Superscript Value in cell in Excel 2003/Xp/200/97

Also learn how to Create a superscript value in a cell in Excel 2007
Question : How do I Create a superscript value in a cell in Excel 2003/ XP/ 2000/ 97
Answer : Select the Text that you wish to convert to superscript. this can either be the entire cell or only a character in the cell.

While your mouse is over the selected text, right - click and then select "Format Cells" From the popup menu.

When the Format cells window appears, select the Font Tab, Check the Superscript checkbox.

Now When you return to your spreadsheet, you should see the selected text as a superscript value.

Excel: Create a Superscript value in a cell in Excel 2007

Also Learn how to Create a superscript value in a cell in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Question : How do i Create a superscript value in a cell in Excell 2007 ?

Answer : Select the text that you wish to convert to superscript. this can either be the entire cell or only a character in the cell.

While your mouse is over the selected text, right click and ten select " Format Cells" From the Popup menu.

When the Format Cell window appears, select the font Tab. check the Superscript checkbox.

Now when you return to your spreadsheet, you should see the selected text as a superscript value.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Excel : Rotate Text in a cell in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Also Learn How to Rotate text in a cell in Excel 2007

Question : How do I Rotate Text in a cell in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Answer : Select the cells that you wish to rotate the text for, Right Click and then select "Format Cells" From the popup menu.

When the Format Cells window appears, select the Alignment tab. Then set the number of degrees that you wish to rotate the text. This valus ranges form 90 degrees to - 90 Degrees.

Now when you return to your spreadsheet, the text should be rotated.

Excel: Rotate Text in a Cell in Excel 2007

Also Lear How to Rotate Text in a Cell in Excel 2003/ Xp/2000/97.

Question : How do I rotate text in a cell in Excel 2007 ?

Answer : Select the Cells that you want to rotate the text. Right Click and then select "Format cells" From the popup menu.

When the Format cells window appears, select the Alignment tab. Then set the number of degrees that you wish to rotate the text. This value ranges from 90 degree to -90 degrees.

Now when you return to your spreadsheet, the text should be rotated.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Excel : Protect a Cell in Excel 2003/Xp/2000/97

Also Learn How to Protect a cell in Excel 2007.
Question : How do I Protect a cell form being edited by others in Excel 2003/ XP/2000/97 ?
Answer : First, you'll need to up-protect all of the cells on your sheet. To do this, select all of the rows and columns in your sheet. Right -Click on then select " Format Cells" From the Popup Menu.

When the Format Cells Window appears, select the Protection tab. Uncheck the " Locked " Checkbox. Click on the OK Button.

Next, Select the cells that you wish to protect. Right - Click and then select "Format Cells" form the Pop up Menu.

When the Format Cells Windown appears, Select the Protection tab. Check the "Locked" Checkbox. Click the Ok Button.

For the Locking of the cells to take effect, you must also protect the worksheet. To do this, select protection and then " Protect Sheet" Under the Tool Menu.

A "Protect Sheet" Window will appear. You may enter a password to protect the shee. The password is optional. click on the OK Button.

Excel : Protect A Cell in Excel 2007

Also Learn How to Protect a cell in Excel 2003/ Xp//2000/97.

Question : How do I Protect a cell form Being edited by others in Excel 2007 ?
Answer : First, you'll need to up-protect all of the cells on your sheet. to do this, select all of the rows and columns in your sheet. Right - Click on then select "Format Cells" from the popup Menu.

When the Format cells window appears, select the protection tab. Uncheck the " Locked" checkbox. Click on the Ok button.

Next, Select the Cells that you wish to protect. Right - Click and then select "Format Cells" From the popup Menu.
When the Format Cells window appears, select the Protection tab. Check the " Locked" Checkbox. click the OK Button.

For the locking of the cells to take effect, you must also protect the worksheet. To do this, select the Review tab form the toolbar at the top of the screen. Then click on Protect sheet Button.

A "Protect Sheet" window will appear. you may enter a password to protect the sheet if you wish. The password is optional. Click on the OK Button.