Excel|2007|2003|Microsoft Excel|Formula|Function|Pivto Table|Excel Topics|Passwords|Hyperlink Excel Guru: Filter final series of numbers in hyperlink address in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Filter final series of numbers in hyperlink address in Excel 2003/XP/2000/97

Question: I've downloaded a table from the web with hyperlink references into Excel 2003/XP/2000/97. I need to filter out the final series of numbers for each hyperlink address and put them as a number in a column. How can I do this?

Answer: Below is a function that you can include in your spreadsheet to filter the final series of numbers in a hyperlink address in Excel.

Function FinalNumberSeries(pCell) As Long

Dim LChar As String
Dim LLength As Integer
Dim LStart As Integer
Dim LExit As Boolean

LLength = Len(pCell)
LStart = LLength
LExit = False

'Search backwards through the string until a non-numeric
'character is found
Do Until LExit = True
LChar = Mid(pCell, LStart, 1)

If IsNumeric(LChar) = False Then
LExit = True
ElseIf LStart = 1 Then
LExit = True
End If

LStart = LStart - 1

FinalNumberSeries = Mid(pCell, LStart + 2)

End Function

Then you can reference this new function in your spreadsheet.

For example in cell B1, you could enter the following:



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